Carol Zakahi - Board Member

Skill Summary
Keeping history of Kona Daifukuji Orchid Club since 1984.
Keeping history of the Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai since 1985.
Orchid memorabilia collector
Lauhala weaving
1962 Graduate of Konawaena High School
1964 Graduate of Honolulu Technical School in Cosmetology
Record of Kosekichosho (Record of Achievement) in 2006 from the
Hiroshima Prefectural Government
Wife, mother of 4 children, 2 stepchildren, grandmother of 10 children and 2 step grandchildren, great grandmother of one child.
Receptionist for Thomas M Mar, MD 1973-1975
Secretary, assistant for Minolu R. Cheng, MD General Surgeon 1975-1987
Beautician, owner operator of Carol’s Beauty Boutique 1988-2014
Charter member/Historian of the Kona Daifukuji Orchid Club 1982-2020
Member/Historian of the Kona Hiroshima Ken Jin Kai
Board member of Ka Ulu Lauhala O Kona 2018/Member since 2006
Orchidist of the Year Award in 1993.